Fanvid: November Rain [REMASTERED]
This vid has been remastered, using higher quality clips and editing the bits that I was never particularly happy with. Things have changed a little, and it is now one vid instead of two. See below for download details.
Vid Title: November Rain
Artist: Guns N’ Roses
Fandom: The Mighty Ducks
Clips from: D1, D2, D3 and Don’t Cry and November Rain by Guns N’ Roses
Summary: This is an AU vid, in which Casey and Bombay were married and Charlie is their son. This vid (or vids) deals with their break-up and Bombay’s self-destruction that follows it, not to mention Charlie’s reaction. See the Notes for more details.
File Size: See below (by the download links)
Format: Real and Windows Media
Notes: I can’t exactly remember what my thought process was, but I eventually challenged myself to make a video based on Without You by Del James (bear with me on this), using only footage from The Mighty Ducks, and the Without You music videos by Guns N’ Roses (for the non-rabid GN’R fans, that’s Don’t Cry, November Rain and Estranged).
The story of Without You is ultimately about the self-destruction of a man who appears to have everything, but still manages to screw it up. Theoretically Gordon could be that man, he’s rich, he’s well educated, he’s loved, and he could screw it up easily and lose everything. This vid tried to explore that. I have had to use footage from Don’t Cry and November Rain by Guns N’ Roses because, obviously, Casey and Gordon never got married in the Ducks fandom (but did in my mind, I love that pairing), and so forth. Any questions, hop over to the forums and ask there. I’ll answer in great detail, I assure you.
If the vid didn’t make sense, try reading the commentary.
Feedback: Always welcome. If you liked it, tell me. If it didn’t make sense, let me know, your opinion will not break me. I have never actually had any feedback on this vid, despite there being over 300 downloads. Was it really that bad?
New Version:
YouTube link removed, thanks to a scary Cease & Desist from BabyCow about my Boosh vids.
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Old Version:
Vidding Commentary
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