Fanfiction List

  • 13 Ghosts 12 Oct 2003Star
    Ducks go camping… fight about who has had the most scary experience… trade stories…
  • 5 Things You Can Do To Make The Most of Your Living Space (Shoebox Minimised) 3 Jul 2012Star
    These five tips could change your living situation dramatically.
  • A Christmas Carol 6 Sep 2006Star
    Charlie Conway is 27 years old and life is not going well. Can three strange visitors change all that?
  • A Note About the Original Queertet Series 5 Jun 2005Star
    A Note About the Original Queertet Series
  • Abnormal Like Me 28 Oct 2006Victory Thru Tears
    Adam’s always been a little shy and quiet. The kid just screams ‘repressed gay boy’! Anyway, this is about Adam wanting the one that he can’t have. So, instead of trying to get closer to him, he separates himself. Much angst will obviously follow.
  • And Now For Something Completely Different: Queertet Revisited 1 Jul 2005Star
    Queertet Revisited—a different spin on the tale Vic and I once told to you.
  • And The Fox Declared to the Hound… 29 Jun 2002Renee Chan
    Connie breaks up with Guy. The result is a beautiful friendship between Guy and Adam. I don’t know how to be “Guy Germaine”. I hear the name often enough during hockey games, but in my head it’s always been “ConnieandGuy”. And now… now I have to figure out how to be just “Guy”… and the thought ...
  • Anything But Ordinary 24 May 2003Star
    In “Snow” Adam told Charlie that in an alternate universe Taz would be his wife. Wanna take a look at that universe?
  • Before You Go 4 Sep 2007Alley
    Adam is leaving for university and before he goes Charlie will find out his biggest secret
  • Breeze (The Mighty Queertet: Story 3) 9 Apr 2002Star
    Sequel to Smoke and Snow. Spring Break is here, and a holiday is just what everyone needs.
  • Cabin Fever 11 Jul 2003Star
    The twelve friends thought they were in for a relaxing week on the slopes when they boarded the plane to Banks’ grandfather’s cabin, but a freak blizzard ends all their plans. Stuck together 24/7 tensions run high.
  • Chasing 29 Oct 2006Charisma
    Who is Charlie chasing?
  • Cold Heart Breaker 2 Oct 2003Star
    Connie/Guy angst from Connie’s POV
  • D4: Mary Sue Annoys the Ducks 13 Jul 2002Star
    Mary Sue comes to Eden Hall and finds out that she’s not perfect, people don’t hang off her every word.
  • D4: Mary Sue Joins the Ducks 5 Jun 2002Star
    Just what the title says.
  • Dreaming of the Cat 29 Oct 2006Charisma
    Julie and Portman… go figure. Set during D2, when all the new and old Ducks meet for the first time. Just because we never saw how they all bonded, doesn’t mean it was an easy time for anyone.
  • Dropping Anvils 28 Oct 2005Star
    A companion piece to Limpet, focusing on Portman and Julie since Limpet didn’t follow my grand plan! I may try and put this and Limpet together to make one big fic. Who knows? (A/N 2005: I never did that)
  • Everything and More 24 Jun 2002Star
    Wanna know how Taz and Maya got together? Read on.
  • Four Things Adam Banks Didn’t Do At His Reunion (The Will He Won’t He Remix) 2 May 2009Carla
    Adam Banks is a nice boy. He would never do such things
  • Go! 21 Jul 2002Star
    Road trip to Vegas. Yes, I have a map and we know exactly how far away Vegas is from Minnesota. *sigh* Just go with it.
  • Harry Potter and the Mighty Queertet 12 Jul 2002Star
    Ducks/Harry Potter Crossover. AU of Mighty Queertet. Set after Breeze, but Sun doesn’t happen we skip straight to the end of the summer holidays.
  • He Remembers 1 Jun 2007Cold
    Reflection piece—after one Duck falls, the others remember him
  • How Do I Live? 28 Oct 2006Andie
    Charlie and Linda have the perfect relationship but when something unexpected happens can they handle all the hurdles that life throws at them or will it tear them apart? Please R&R!
  • Inferior 16 Nov 2007Alley
    “Why don’t they just make Banks captain and be done with it?”
  • Just to Know 7 Feb 2004Carla
    Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. – Kahlil Gibran
  • Limpet 22 Feb 2002Star
    The obligatory first fic of almost every Duck fan: New girl at Eden Hall finds it hard to fit in.
  • Misconception 7 May 2002Star
    Luis’s feelings are badly hurting
  • Moving On 23 Nov 2002Star
    Guy thinks about Connie
  • On Being Alone 31 Oct 2003Carla
    Sometimes it hurts. What? Everything.
  • On Being Fake 19 Oct 2003Carla
    Sometimes it all falls apart. What? Everything.
  • On Being Real 19 Oct 2003Carla
    Sometimes it’s not easy. What? Everything.
  • Precious Moments 29 Oct 2006Andie
    Adam Banks spends a moment with the one he loves
  • Right Up Close 23 Oct 2003Star
    Adam fic, angsty, abused, slightly slashy… the usual Adam type fic.
  • Saturniia’s Believable Fulton/Charlie Challenge 1 Jun 2005Star
    Ducks fans new to the world of fanfic and established slashers alike, I present to you the following challenge: Write a believable Charlie/Fulton slash fic.
  • Segments, Layers 14 May 2014Star
    It’s all about segments and layers, Charlie decides. He is so proud of this deduction he voices his thought to the dead man sitting next to him.
  • She Screams In Silence 28 Oct 2006Victory Thru Tears
    In the Queertet series, Maya is sort of overlooked. In Breeze, she gets with an argument with Taz about her ‘heterosexual fling.’ This is the real story behind it. What really happened that summer when Taz and Maya were broken up? This takes place the summer before they meet the Ducks. (Read this after reading ...
  • Smile 21 Aug 2003Star
    Dialogue only fic, the gossip of the Ducks. Fluff.
  • Smoke (The Mighty Queertet: Story 1) 24 Mar 2002Star
    Charlie and Adam have always been close, but just how close? Is Fulton the only one that notices? And now that Banks is back on JV, are things going to be the same?
  • Snow (The Mighty Queertet: Story 2) 31 Mar 2002Star
    Sequel to Smoke. How is the team doing now that everything is out in the open? (Like we could just leave it hanging like that!)
  • Something Quite Special 28 Oct 2006Victory Thru Tears
    Banks meets a girl, and becomes a very different person during and after their relationship. Charlie helps him find himself, and they show what a real friendship is.
  • Sun (The Mighty Queertet: Story 4) 27 May 2002Star
    Freshman year is finally over! The Queertet is ready for vacation, and are eager to get themselves out of the mess they made during Spring Break.
  • Tales From The Shoebox 24 May 2003Star
    Set in the Ducks senior year, Luis and Averman are sharing a room the size of a Shoebox, this leads to an unexpected friendship, and maybe more
  • The Bash Brothers 22 Jan 2003lycanthrope
    The first chapter in the adventures of two alienated (and possibly amorous) enforcers.
  • The Bash Brothers in Love 28 Jan 2003lycanthrope
    The continued adventures of our intrepid and now most definitely amorous enforcers
  • The Five Stages of Friendship 18 Sep 2015Star
    The five stages of friendship between a Duck and a Warrior are: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. Only angrier. Characters: Cole Sutherland, Lester Averman
  • This Too Will Pass 9 Mar 2002Star
    The Ducks are back from their Summer break, and Connie’s changed. Bit of a PortmanxJulie romance happening too.
  • We Belong Together 29 Oct 2006Andie
    Julie didn’t know how much she loved Dean until she lost him. J/P pairing, obviously.
  • Why the new story? 10 Jul 2005Star
    The new story came about for many reason, the main one being I was seeing a lot of fan fiction remixes being held and I would have loved for Queertet to be remixed – but at the same time, I didn’t want anyone else to do it.
  • Without You 12 Dec 2003Star
    Connie/Guy angst