Character: OCs: Multiple

She Screams In Silence

In the Queertet series, Maya is sort of overlooked. In Breeze, she gets with an argument with Taz about her ‘heterosexual fling.’ This is the real story behind it. What really happened that summer when Taz and Maya were broken up? This takes place the summer before they meet the Ducks. (Read this after reading Smoke, Snow and Breeze).

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And Now For Something Completely Different: Queertet Revisited

Queertet Revisited—a different spin on the tale Vic and I once told to you.

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Cabin Fever

The twelve friends thought they were in for a relaxing week on the slopes when they boarded the plane to Banks’ grandfather’s cabin, but a freak blizzard ends all their plans. Stuck together 24/7 tensions run high.

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