Initial thoughts on Game Changers: S01E01 – Game On
Everyone is utterly charming.
The line about it not being the “nineties Ducks” is a bit on the nose.
Good god the goalie reminds me of Goldberg… did they hire his son?
Gordon eats a lot of cake… and it took me longer than it should have for me to get the joke.
The high school is District 5 High School.
Hendrix Hockey Apparel, I see you… did you fire Gordon?
Evan was dressed as Charlie in his maroon Minnesota sweatshirt.
Evan’s pissed-off storm out was shot the same as Charlie’s pissed-off storm out. Also still wearing above sweatshirt, just like Charlie. (A+)
Joss Ackland is still alive, but the character of Hans is dead. I would give my soul if they ask Joss to come in and record some lines that Gordon can “remember” hearing while looking at a picture.
I’ll give my soul and my husband’s if they get him in to film an imagine spot if Gordon needs advice.
I’m super excited for the return of (in order): Averman, Fulton, Adam, Ken, Connie and Guy.
Man, does Bombay love a single mother, or what?
If Charlie isn’t back by the end of season 1, I’m flipping tables.
Also, Nick is probably the child I would have had with Raven, had I wanted children and been good at raising them. Everything out of his mouth is sass but self-awareness.
[…] Following on from my thoughts on the first episode… […]